Hello Everyone, thank you very much for continuing to support me so I can expand the Meanders range. M5 Terrain Expansion has just been delivered to backers and saw 71 New Maps created for the Meanders Series. Combining the 48 Blank Orc Maps from the Orcish Campaign with these will see four new map packs added to the GTW Store in April-May 2022 depending on the demands of my University schedule.

I'd like to advise that All Meander Map Packs will be available from the Meanders: DIMENSIONS KS (March) for $9.99 AUD ea. so it will be a good time to scoop up any that you are wanting at a reduced price as packs retail from here and elsewhere for approx. $13-$21 USD a pack so it's a decent saving. That will also include Shipstarter. With almost 79 individual map packs averaging 28 maps a pack, there might be a few you would like to add to your collection.

Now to the next massive map launch, Meanders: DIMENSIONS. This upcoming campaign (due for launch early March) offers 55 New Meanders + token packs enabling the maps to be used either as dimensions and alternate planes for Fantasy or as planet surfaces and spacescapes for Sci-fi. There are also lots of bonuses up for early backers, an exclusive Ruined Space Hulk map for Return Backers, dozens of Spaceships and Colony Structures, Magical Portal assets and more. If you are interested to find out more please visit the Kickstarter preview page HERE.

Approximately 90% of these maps are completed - which may change if Stretch Goals are unlocked. This means another early delivery, although this will be a slightly longer campaign at 21 days. In case you're wondering about how I am managing to create massive campaigns one after the other, I've been working double-time to get these projects lined up quickly because when Uni starts on March 08 I won't have much time to do much else except work on the Gothic City 2 map set on my downtime.

I just wanted to give all my customers a heads up that they will be able to buy map packs at a big discount this way soon.

Thanks for keeping me going,

Kind Regards,

Kris (The Maphatter).
