GTW News

Hello Everyone :) I'll be sharing some updates and some news in this post.

Meanders 4: Fantasy City which saw an incredible 280 new Meanders funded is drawing to a close with just 15 maps left from the Stretch Goals to go - after which work will begin on the recently funded Meanders 4: Zombies, Post-Apocalyptic, Modern series.

Some of the upcoming map selections include blank interiors, fully furnished interiors, and the stretch goals which add a Waterfront and Docks, Palace, Bathhouse, City Gardens, Bazaar, Outer City and Arena - all of which will eventually be packaged into FG modules. (Winter, Nocturnal and Token Pack 4 just became available on Steam and the FG store).

In other news, TerrorFormer and GEAS, two projects also related to Fantasy Grounds have been given the green light by Smiteworks to launch later this year.

TerrorFormer will mass manufacture millions of incredibly tough monsters to decimate any party down to every last detail from naming them, to describing them, outputting their stats, attacks and much more. In a similar vein to the very popular 'SquareWare' - I am presently constructing a visual matrix to assist DM's in this process - and expect to launch a Kickstarter to help fund time to fine-tune it, and provide a very unique and special addition to the project which I am sure will excite many DM's out there....

Also I am very pleased to announce that GTW has signed a contract to use a mix of existing and digitally modified hybrid tokens by acclaimed Token maker, Devin Night. And will be aiming to launch a Kickstarter to fund the development of FIVE adventure modules I have written, mapped, tokened and tabled set in the entirely unique and new world, of Geas - which I am porting over to 5e dnd. This project has been FOUR years in the making and I hope will launch a series that combines all of my great loves as a digital artist, DM, writer and designer into one ongoing adventure with my imagination running at full tilt. You've never seen anything like this.

More FG Token packs will be forthcoming for FG as over 2000 new objects and counting have been created in addition to those already in my catalogue - and I hope to get these done by the close of the year also.

Lastly, for now - a project intended to re-create the maps for the Mines of Phandelver has now morphed into something far greater and more ambitious. 'Return to Phandelver' will not only provide all of the maps required for this adventure for the original story beautifully re-captured by GTW - it will provide an entirely new alternate set of maps advanced in time 7 years in the future and feature an entirely new story tree influenced by what players did in the first installment. RTP delves deeper into the mythos and characters of this seminal adventure providing more elaborate hooks and plots, providing new backgrounds and hidden information of which the players were oblivious - but from which their actions have had various and at times grave consequences for the people of the area.

These are just some of the things coming your way from Game Tile Warehouse - thanks to Your support for my ability to keep creating...

Kind Regards,

