Shipstarter Funded! / New FG Module

SHIPSTARTER successfully funded on Kickstarter within 6 hours thanks very much to return and new backers and is currently sitting at just under 300% over target. With still more than 2 weeks to go it looks like I may be adding more ships, ship layers and features to the campaign. A SUNKEN SHIPWRECK and GRIDS versions have already been added - with the next ship just on the Horizon and every chance of a Kraken. Massive thanks everyone! - the campaign rewards will be delivered in September, while additional ships and/or settings added will be delivered in October. Funds will be used to upgrade my graphics card and RAM and enable me to make bigger maps and maps in general faster.

SHARD ROADS, my next installment of Fantasy Grounds Modules is now available from the GTW Store - ready-to-use, 29 Ice Maps compatible with Venmire Woods - with 2 random roll tables, a blizzard, improved navigation, titling/tagging and more maps (inc some exclusive to this pack) but the same $9.95 price - you can't get better than that. Look out for the Srazen Desert and MereDark Jungle Expansions in coming weeks.
