Map Class / Nerdarchy

Hello - I am running an impromptu lesson on how to use GIMP and create maps this Saturday 7th April 9am AEST (Friday 7pm USA) if anyone is interested in learning how I make my meanders :)

I will use Discord to manage audio: and this is my channel:

and Twitch to live stream video:

I have not done this before but I hope to teach the basics of using GIMP, layers, tools, tips, techniques and so on to put together maps, please feel free to join in :)


I have also been invited to have a chat live on Nerdarchy on April 19th and will be talking live with with David about Maps, Meanders and Squareware. [Thank you Aaron Marx at Fantasy Grounds College for setting that up.]


Neither of these are things I have done often or before, but getting involved with the college and Aaron has encouraged me to learn new techniques and skills in lots of fields inc coding, streaming podcasting, and using VTT software.
