Bundle Packs Added [& News]

My Modern Day & Night Urban Rooftop Set, Deluxe Fantasy City Day & Night Set, and Digital Terrain Tile Kickstarters have now been bundled into packs and are now available from the GTW Store.

Meanwhile Squareware has launched on Kickstarter: unfortunately with a lukewarm response ;) Regrettably though it looks doubtful I will be able to make sets for those who did pledge as the current campaign has fallen well short of the asking funding. Still with 27 days to go, there is time - but it may be a case of not having enough of a social media following, other competing dice projects or simply not a strong enough idea to succeed in a sea of ideas. You can't win them all. Also - having used my previous 3 send-outs that Wix allows me last month, I was unable to send a shout-out to notify subscribers of the squareware launch -for which I apologise, but there are no early bird specials to be had and you have not missed out on anything. [Click image below to visit the page].

Irregardless, Meanders 3's next wave is coming soon with all-new designs for Magic, Murder & Mayhem including a Nine Level Wizards Tower... Adventurers can visually see how high they are as the ground below gets blurrier and bluer as they ascend, showing more and more of the surrounding landscape below, peaking in the ultimate rooftop fight leagues above the forest floor.

I am building entirely new textures, designs and vectors for this set as well - including furnishings and expect to launch in May 2018.

Following this fantasy wave - I will be temporarily turning my attention to producing a Post-Apocalytpic set - before adding one more wave to the fantasy set this year.

Kind Regards,

