Digital Terrain Tiles Launched

Following runaway success of the popular Digital Dungeon Rooms campaign which saw generous support from 97 backers break my previous record for funds raised, and the finalization of my giant Sci-fi wave of Meanders, my next campaign, a shorter 14 day one, Digital Terrain Tiles was launched on the 18th of October and has already funded at 250%.

Offering over ninety 10x10" digital terrain tiles including many new variants with Ice Caverns, Jungle Clearings, Jungle and Forest Scapes as well as New Terrains swatches such as Swamp, Tundra, Lava, Beach and more - this campaign also includes a giant detailed Old World Digital map measuring 48x36".

The campaign offers a quick turnaround of digital terrain with all core art 100% completed and delivery in November. Commercial Licenses and Vector packs also form part of the available pledges. This campaign has secured funding for my new die set, with prototypes to be ordered late November to hopefully be part of a more ambitious expansion of my wares in 2018.

The continued turnout of repeat backers and new ones has been tremendous this year and I am very grateful that such steady support continues to allow me to expand my artwork and put more offerings on the table for RPG enthusiasts. I hope to push the envelope further next year offering a few new different things besides digital terrain.

You can check out my current campaign by clicking the link below :) and as always, thank you for your support!

Digital Terrain Tiles on Kickstarter

Kind Regards,

