Coming Soon: Soloman Temple Squares RELAUNCHED!

Hey all. I've been working on producing a new range of 'geomorph' tiles, scaleable from 2x2" to 8x8" that would be ideal for 5e. You get 72 double-sided tiles per kitso you can either play around on your desk, small spaces, building gigantic maps quickly and mapping rooms, monsters, traps, events, etc with coloured tokens, and then construct the dungeon you just built in larger scale - or just start building the larger dungeon straight away using the larger tile set. I'm due to launch a kickstarter campaign to fund them in a weeks time. They'll be available in 12 different texture types so you can have classic straight-line dungeons, or rugged cavern walls, black and white, white on black, greyscale, full colour dungeon texture and some secret ones too. The 2x2"s are all Dry Erasable, and there will be 8x8 Dry Erase Boards. There are digital kits as well as printed, and 7 secret stretch goals all designed to maximise your kits and playability. Why not take a look at my preview page and let me know what you think - I'd appreciate any feedback before launch, or to know how many people might be interested in them. Kind Regards, Kris.
